When investing your hard-earned cash in new luxury carpeting, it can be easy to have your focus taken on choosing between all the wonderful colours, deep pile and stain-resistant qualities. However, there’s one often-forgotten, unassuming hero product that shouldn’t be overlooked, as it can transform the new carpet it's used with. That product is underlay.
Many view the extra expense involved in getting good quality underlay as being unnecessary, particularly as, right now, everyone’s looking for even just everyday items to be more affordable. The truth, though, is that this represents something of a false economy, as this way of thinking will ultimately lead to a less luxurious feel and an inferior result.
Offsetting the Cost With Quality Underlay
When searching for carpets near me, it pays to consider underlay as an essential part of the whole process. That’s because the padding it provides is vital to the overall performance of the carpet. In fact, a good quality underlay can make standard carpets perform better, so it’s possible to offset the cost by spending a little less on the carpet itself.
Some new carpet retailers offer ‘deluxe’ options like memory foam, but it’s not really necessary to splash out for the very best. For your purposes - particularly when on a budget - you only need to buy something suitable and durable. Bonded polyurethane is a good choice for this kind of scenario, with a thickness of 8mm - as is found under most residential carpets.
With Lazy Carpets - Underlay is Free With Every Order!
All that being said, the extra cost of underlay is not something you have to worry about when shopping with Lazy Carpets. Why? Well, because we offer it free with every single order! Incredible, right? That means you can either invest more of your money in the carpet itself or simply get a better, more affordable deal.
We also provide free grippers and door bars, and we’ve made accessing luxury carpets even easier with our various payment options. What’s more, we offer our Price Match Guarantee to ensure you get the best possible price available, so it’s understandable why our services are so popular!
Enhance Your Home With New Carpets - The Stress-Free Way
With Lazy Carpets, you can buy with complete confidence, knowing that you’re getting the best deal and that you’re purchasing from a 5-Star Trustpilot-Rated company that truly cares about delivering a great, stress-free experience. So, if you’re in the Manchester area and you’re interested in enhancing your home with new carpets, we’d love to hear from you.
If you’d like to know more about us and how we do things, please take a look around our website or give our friendly team a call on 01925 696119. They’re ready and waiting to help you get the new carpets that you deserve. Alternatively, to book a free home visit with samples, enter your details into our contact form, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.